Playground v3.5 Help - HYSPLIT Meteorology

Meteorology Section Help Page

Playground v3.5 Help > HYSPLIT Pathway > Dispersion Inputs Page > Meteorology

Parameters Available

    • Meteorology - the numeric weather model to use to drive dispersion. Meteorological domains are labeled by source and by approximate model resolution.

        • Sources:

            • NAM = NOAA National Weather Service North American Model (available at 12-km and 3-km in Playground)

            • CANSAC = California and Nevada Smoke and Meteorology Consortium model (available at 4-km and 1.33-km in Playground)

            • PNW = Northwest Regional Modeling Consortium (NWRMC) model (available at 4-km and 1.33-km in Playground)

            • Alaska = National Weather Service (available at 12-km in Playground)

            • AZ/NM = University of Arizona (available at 1.8-km in Playground)

NOTES: The National Weather Service NAM 1.27-km Fire Weather meteorological domains become available in Playground as they get placed over areas of interest during the wildfire season.

The standard archive of meteorological data is cleared daily. Generally, the standard archive of meteorological data holds:

1 year of National 3km

2 years of National 12km

1 ½ year of PNW 1.33-km and 4-km

1 ½ year of CA/NV 1.33-km and 4-km

1 ½ year of Alaska 12-km

3 months of AZ/NM 1.8-km

variable for NAM 1.27-km FW domains, see for current locations

    • Date (Zulu time) - the starting date of the run. Note that the run starts at 00Z on this date.

    • Length of Run (in hours) - specifies how many days the Time Profile of Consumption go for (hours not covered by the profile are assumed to have zero consumption. Note that because the run starts at 00Z, obtaining a midnight-midnight local time run will require running for > 24 hours to account for the time zone difference.

