Playground v3.5 Help
Playground v3.5 Help
A number of Help pages have been created along with a Demo Exercise and 1-page Quick Start Guide. Additionally, a webinar has been recorded with an overview of Playground.
Please see the Playground page for information on Playground itself.
A number of Help pages have been created along with a Demo Exercise. Additionally, a webinar has been recorded with an overview of Playground.
Quick Start Guide
PDF Download (1MB)
Demo Exercise
Introductory Webinar
An introductory webinar was recorded on 2018-07-09. This contains an overview of Playground v3, differences between v2 and v3, information on help resources available for v3, and a live Demo Exercise walkthrough.
Specific Help Pages
An extensive set of help pages for Playground v3.5 is in development, and are split out according to specific user interface sections.
Start Here or go to the section of interest from the links below.
HYSPLIT Dispersion Pathway
HYSPLIT - Meteorology Inputs Page
HYSPLIT - Dispersion Inputs Page
HYSPLIT - Dispersion Run Status
HYSPLIT - Dispersion Results
VSMOKE Dispersion Pathway
VSMOKE - Dispersion Inputs Page
VSMOKE - Dispersion Run Status
VSMOKE - Dispersion Results