Outlook Editor v5/v6 Help

Outlook Editor: Location Forecasts

v5 Main Help Page | Collections Home Page | Working with Collections | Location Forecasts | Outlook Forecasts | Translations 


Every location added to your Collection must have it's own published forecast before an Outlook can be published using that Collection. A Collection can have one or many locations included in it.  Location forecasts can be created and edited by ANY ARA with access to Outlook Editor. 


Editing locations list in your Collection | Adding non-monitored locations | Shared location forecasts

Editing locations list in your Collection: 

Scroll to the collection you are using under your "My Collections" section and click "Modify this Collection". At the next screen you can add and remove monitor locations as well as using the "circle" button on the map to add non-monitored locations. Be sure to update the names when adding a non-monitored location!

Adding non-monitored locations to your collection: 

Non-monitored locations can be added AFTER creating your collection. So once you have the collection created or copied that you would like to use, click the button to "Modify this Collection" and you'll be able to add non-monitored locations at the next screen using the "circle" button on the map. Be sure to update the name for any non-monitored locations that you add!

Sharing a forecast another Collection: 

It's not uncommon for Outlooks to be near eachother and sometimes overlap areas. In a case where 2 Outlooks are including the same location, that location only needs to be updated once and both Outlooks will grab the most up-to-date forecast. 


Editing a location forecast: 

1 location, 2 Outlooks: Multiple Outlooks can share a single location so long as the location forecast is current. If ARA #1 updates the location forecast, ARA #2 can see the forecast was updated and use it in their Outlook as part of their own Collection, no add'l work required. It is always recommended to verify a forecast before using it.